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Infusing Organizations + Schools with 21st Century Approaches

Our consultancy aims to bring Wellbeing to the center of organizational culture by establishing best practices for leadership & teamwork. Our four tiers of Communication, Accountability, Reward,  + Engagement create the CARE framework by which communities grow healthier, happier, & more committed to sustainable work.


Through research backed practices, our consultants and coaches work deeply with administration, leadership and learners to create simple, personalized ways to transform your core culture to "care" culture, resulting in higher levels of  engagement, empowered clarity of values that inform policy & productivity, and a unified community that uplifts one another through restorative & mindful approaches to learning + working.


Through our One Day Needs Assessment you will learn the ins- and outs- of how your community FEELS about learning- the social emotional inhibitors that are causing breakdown and distress, analysis of the contributing elements of culture & policy that are perpetuating disorder, & be offered personalized policy recommendations designed to alleviate the pain point from its heart.


We cannot wait to get to know all the great work you are already doing in your community, and what we might create together to make you FLY.


We INVITE you to click the link below to set up a call with our Founder, Haley Dawn Roth (Ed.M, Harvard University) today so we may begin to give your students and staff all they need to thrive.


Our Theory of Change

We work with a Integrative Model to nurture and support the entire community:










Our Offerings

  • An in-depth needs assessment targeted at locating your most salient goals and growth points.

  • Workshops and professional development seminars that align FLY philosophy with your mission and values

  • In-person supports that integrate FLY method into everyday operations.

  • Engagement ideas, resources, materials and events to communicate and reach the entire extended community.

  • Diversity, Inclusion + Belonging best practices for harmonious discourse and policy change.


Past Initiatives

  • Developing CARE culture by facing burnout in a Fortune 500 company.

  • Consulting with online courses to develop mindfulness educational practices during Covid-19.

  • Consulting with district-wide initiatives for adult development and leadership.

  • Reformed and implemented new intake protocols, practices & school wide initiatives for disciplinary interventions, including emotional regulation tools, developmentally appropriate self-reporting curriculum, and school wide professional development to re-imagine "punitive" policies and create "restorative" policies.

  • Rewriting and aligning a schools Code of Values to better communicate to teachers and students the Values and Agreements between administration/ families/ and learning communities.

  • School wide attendance at our three month launchpad designed to enhance work and learning communities by developing aligned language, habits and social emotional practices for their classrooms.

  • Designed and led family and student events that illuminated a high school culture, empowering conversations around social media, bullying,  gender dynamics, and power in and out of the school community.


We would love to connect further and learn more about how your school can continue to grow with us.


Theory of Change Fly.jpg

^ An example of our school model


Relevant Research & Key Concepts that Inspire FLY


Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

​Robert Kegan

Sarah Lawrence Lightfoot

Richard Weissbourd

Ken Wilber

Carol Dweck




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